I've been teaching Spanish for over 30 years and I'm still learning new and more effective ways to reach my teaching objectives. I'm here to share. I started The Pedagogy4lit Collective to bring together like-minded language teachers throughout the world who believe in inclusive and equitable teaching approaches and in the educational impact of culturally responsive and other asset pedagogies. I invite you to learn and share with us as we pursue our intercultural journey to develop our skills for a better teaching environment for all students. There should be no doubt today that representation matters. So, I invite you to learn to teach for equity with us. To learn to teach differently.write book reviews and will share what I'm learning and applying to my teaching. I'm looking forward to hosting some of The Collective's Critical Pedgagogy Book Club's readings and discussions about books on pedagogy. With luck, I'll publish my own book about the pedagogy of teaching literature soon.
- The CollaboratorFor the member contributor with the most publication-collabs and helpful votes
- The Critical ThinkerYou have successfully completed the introduction to Bloom's (revised) Taxonomy!
- Motivated LearnerYou have completed the webinar on Intercultural Development Skills